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Audio Alchemy DLC With remote

Price:  $200.00
Days/Views:  131 / 497 (Posted 2024-03-18)
Condition: 7/10 Good
Accessories: Remote control
Seller:  whitese   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Feedback:  5.0/5.0

Great sounding Digital preamp. You can individually set the gain for each input source (4 of them) for matching.

Comes with Remote.

Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Paypal
Ship Weight: 6 lbs.
Ships From: 07047 (North Bergen, NJ)
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: Postal / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: (none)

More Seller Info
Seller:  whitese   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Membership:  Audiophile (Contributor since 2004-10-13)
Asylum Feedback:  5.0/5.0
Location:  North Bergen, NJ, United States
Registered on:  2003-06-17
Posts:  2001

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