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most most repair, modification, resoration most Audio equipment

Price:  $50.00
Days/Views:  52 / 644 (Posted 2024-07-22)
Condition: 9/10 Excellent/Like New
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Feedback:  5.0/5.0

repair and mod service for tube and solid state amps and preamps and handmade cables. I run DMC Electronics repair, Audio Anonymous cables and Tombstone Audio modifications. I charge 50 dollars an hour per unit plus parts you choose and buy or have me get. I have been in in Business since 1990. I am on eBay user id underdawg. I am on audiogon user id underdawg. I own over 25 k in 4 systems have pictures and references if you need them. I am in Orion Bluebooks as advisor before they went digital. I started with audiomart classifieds. I have modified repaired adcom Hafler and many more. I accept PayPal friends and family or cash registered mail. I have tube testers and matchers; I do tube equipment also. I have many texts or emails on my work on request or I can give the customer phone contact info for my previous work.


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Membership:  Audiophile (Contributor since 2023-10-31)
Asylum Feedback:  5.0/5.0
Location:  Amarillo Texas,
Registered on:  2023-10-21
Posts:  101

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