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SOLD - $ 149.00

Monster M Series M 1.5 two 8 foot pairs $175 per pair

Price:  $149.00
Original Price: $600.00
Days/Views:  537 / 130 (Posted 2023-02-06)
Condition: 7/10 Good
Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Feedback:  unrated

I am selling my Monster M Series M1.5 speaker cables. I have two 8 foot pairs with spades . Perfect for bi wiring. They are in nice shape The tape denotes speaker end. I have owned cables form other companies over the last 35 years that shall remain nameless that do not sound as good as these They have a warm musical sound No complaints. I have seen these sell for over 600 Asking $149 per pair FYI I have over 1200 excellent feedbacks over the last 23 years on various audio and astronomy sites Thanks

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Pay By: Personal Check after it clears, Paypal
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: UPS, FedEx, Postal / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: (none)

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Seller:   (Contact Seller)
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Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  unrated
AudigoN Feedback: geph0007
eBay Feedback: geph0007
Location:  Twin Cities, United States
Registered on:  2015-05-18
Posts:  8

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