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Various Used and New Small Signal Tubes Part 2

Price:  $0.01
Days/Views:  164 / 2918 (Posted 2024-04-01)
Seller:  Joe Appierto   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Feedback:  5.0/5.0

Items as described and shipping is extra.


Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8/ECC88: single tube, large halo getter, Holland, 1962, NOS, $75.

Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8/ECC88: single tube, large halo getter, Holland, 1966, used, $35.

Amperex 6DJ8/ECC88: 1 matched pair 108/112 and 116/118, labelled Hewlett Packard, small halo getter, Holland, 1963, used less than 50 hours, $100/pair.

Amperex 6DJ8/ECC88: 4 date matched pairs, Orange Globe, halo getter, Holland, 1975, used about 50 hours, $85/pair.

Amperex 6DJ8/ECC88: single tube, orange, small halo getter, Holland, used, $25.

GE 6DJ8: 6 gray glass, used, $30/each RCA 6DJ8/ECC88: 1 matched pair, Philips made in Blackburn England, 8/76, used about 60 hours, $85/pair.

RCA 6DJ8/ECC88: single tube, used about 20 hours, 1984, $40.

Sylvania 6DJ8: single tube, yellow label, double stage getter, used less than 50 hours, $45.


Sylvania 6922: 6 tubes, 20 hours use, $40/each


Tesla PCC88/7DJ8: 1 single (1966), sourced from Tubemonger, Yellow Print - Rožnov n.p. Závod Vrchlabí - Czechoslovakia, used 75 hours, $45.

Zaerix PCC88/7DJ8: single tube, NOS, $40.

Payment and Shipping
Pay By: Paypal
Ships To: USA Only
Shippers/Payer: Postal / Paid by: Buyer
Shipping Notes: (none)

More Seller Info
Seller:  Joe Appierto   (Contact Seller)
(Other Seller Items For Sale)
Membership:  Audiophile
Asylum Feedback:  5.0/5.0
Location:  Central NJ, United States
Registered on:  2004-01-03
Posts:  1057

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